The fabric, called "kenté" among the Ashanti of Ghana and "kita" among the Ewe of Togo and Benin or among the Akans of Ivory Coast, is a kind of weaving very common in West Africa. Mix of silk and woven and assembled bands, which form a fabric with geometric designs and bright and luminous colors. The kita is special because its patterns are woven into the weft. It holds an important place in the culture and economy of many peoples of West Africa: the loincloth is not just a simple fabric : he carries many messages. Every detail is thought out : it is about language and a real code of conduct. That is why, colors, the patterns and figures of the fabric have meanings, which vary according to cultures.
According to Ghanaian legend, two friends, gone hunting in the forest, would have surprised the giant spider Anansé weaving its web. They would have watched him for two days, taking note of the intricate patterns she was weaving. Back to the village, impressed by the beauty of the canvas, they would have imitated the spider, introducing the art of weaving to their people, and would have made the fabric with black and white raffia threads.
The loincloth is very suitable for making shirts, blouses, robes, hats, sacs…
The Beaurepaire house offers – among others – artisan loincloths, of different types, that you will discover very soon in the shop. For a room of approximately 1,80 m/1,30 m, count around 160 €. The fabrics are offered for sale on the site and in our shop / workshop in Villeneuve St Georges. We make all types of products, according to your tastes with the fabric of your choice.